Infant Toddler Diaper Pantry

Infant and Toddler Diaper Pantry will be open from 9-11 a.m. on Tuesday, May 7. We welcome all mothers of young children to enjoy our free diapers and baby wipes.


The Pittsfield Food Pantry is always in need of soups, peanut butter, jelly, toilet tissue, bath soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and toothbrushes. Donations can be placed in the wooden box in the vestry. Thanks so much for your support. Ω 

Food Pantry

Pull-tabs – an ongoing project of the Dorcas Guild and the church is collecting soda, soup and other aluminum can pull-tabs or “pop-tops” to give to the Bektash Shriners for them to sell to recycling companies. This small effort reaps great benefits as the Shriners provide transportation for needy children to and from Shriner’s hospitals. The collection container is in the church kitchen.


Several years ago, Ruth Strickhart started a small project which she called Pennies From Heaven.  A container for change was placed at the rear of the sanctuary.  The project has continued as a legacy to Ruth.  When the accumulated change reaches $200, the funds are distributed to community projects such as PYW or the Food Pantry.  This time the Trustees voted to send the monies to the Carpenter Library for its children craft projects. 

Pennies from Heaven